

I am a French System. administrator and I just wanted to know it you would consider adding Modeller to the Spack package manager ?

It is a very useful and flexible package managers that is used mostly in HPC Supercomputer environments.

There are already 7000+ package recipes available and many worldwide HPC supercomputers use Spack.

I believe it would be really useful for the scientific (and bioinformatics) community to have Modeller available too.


Here are some useful links:

Main homepage: https://spack.io/

Documentation: https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

Github: https://github.com/spack/spack


Adding a recipe to build/compile a program such as Modeller would not be too complicated, it is just that one must adapt the actual Install script. As is, the installation of modeler via your Install script does not really fit into the “usual” ways of building softwares such as make, cmake, or for python packages pypi, setuptools, etc.



Thank you in advance for considering the effort,

Best regards,

Gabriel Cretin



Gabriel Cretin
Ingénieur d'études - Administrateur des systèmes d'information
| Université Paris Cité DSIMB UMR_S U1134
Site Broussais, Bâtiment Ady Steg
8 rue Maria Helena Vieira Da Silva
 | 75014  Paris
Tél. 01 81 72 43 31 
Mob. 07 81 70 35 15